1936 Mauser S/42

Genuine German Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered

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This is a 1936 Chamber dated Mauser S/42 built for the German army. This Parabellum is 9mm with a 4" (100mm) barrel that is proofed and serial numbered to the gun.  Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The thumb safety is marked "Gesichert" and extractor "Geladen."  This example has all matching numbers.  (1387)

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The extractor is marked "GELADEN". The bore is good with distinctive lands and groove.  The thumb safety is new style, and blued. The thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' and safe is down.  These end of contract production Lugers (the P38 was under production as the side arm) were mostly issued to the SS troops that had their own procurement system. 

This is a standard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the '36 S/42 Mauser. This Luger has all matching numbers. The finish is very good  and  this model has a hold open latch and stock lug. The first toggle link is marked with the S/42 Mauser code.  There is the "V" rear sight on the rear toggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear.   This is a basic collector gun.



Hindenburg was loved by the German people and Hitler was very careful to pay his respects to the famous General




Posters of the period linking Hindenburg with Hitler.




 Hitler while Chancellor with some of the leaders of the Reich.

Hitler meeting for a beer  with his early followers, although he abstained from alcohol the beer hall was the gathering place for most political activity in the early 1930's.

When Hitler was running for office he used the word "Yes" to tell the people he was one of theirs and was seeking their vote.



Here you can see the many places where the serial number has been placed to identify all the machined parts of these Lugers.  It is truly inspiring to find proofs and serial numbers wherever you look indicating the craftsmanship these guns possess.

Here we can see the early Mauser Eagle 63 proofs with the drooped wings and the early Waffenamt (Ordinance) drooped wing acceptance stamp.

It is very difficult to find an all matching serial numbered gun and a matching magazine. This is a premium rig for the serious collector who demands the best in collectable Lugers.


Pre-war Germany saw the rising of the German spirit who began to practice nationalism by joining the military and uniting the German nation.

Greeting of the troops from the Legion Condor that was fighting in Spain.  German military aid to the Spanish Nationalist rebels began with a request for assistance dispatched by Spanish General Francisco Franco. This was received by German dictator Adolf Hitler on July 22, 1936, five days after the rebellion began on 17 July. Der Füehrer Hitler immediately called Hermann Göring, then Minister for the Economy, and Field Marshal General (Generalfeldmarschall) Werner von Blomberg, to plan methods of support for the Nationalists

During the pre-war days festivals were held to link the German people to their Teutonic roots. There was an effort to link the Nazi heritage to early history of the German people.


This Luger has been cared for over 72 years now. It is looking for a good home.  In 1932 the Reichswehrministerium issued an order that the rear connecting pin be serial numbered to the gun.  You can also see a fine examples of the fire-blued pin. (Above)  (Below) you can see the craftsmanship present in the machined parts, all serial number, all matching.


The most distinctive feature of these pistols is undoubtedly the toggle-lock mechanism, which holds the breech closed by locking in a manner not unlike the human knee, which can sustain a heavy weight when straight, but once bent is quite easy to continue to bend. The toggle joint in its straight position resists the rearward force of the detonating cartridge, then "buckles" after enough time has passed. When a round is fired the entire breech, barrel and toggle move straight rearward (on rails) until the toggle begins to ride up on a pair of cams that "breaks" the toggle (makes it bend at the joint). Once the toggle joint is no longer straight, it bends freely, allowing the bolt to come rearward, and the striker to be cocked. The spent cartridge is extracted by a combination extractor/loaded chamber indicator on the top of the toggle, is ejected as the toggle nears the end of its rearward Free Travel Info, and a new round is stripped from the magazine and chambered as the toggle is driven back to the straight position by a spring.

The year 1936 is when Mauser began the four digit production and was still using frames that had been built by DWM/BKIW  1936 was the last year that Mauser used the traditional straw bluing on the small parts.  Wartime production was starting up and demand required that the trigger, thumb safety, locking lever and magazine release were converted to salt blue in early 1937. There is a "V" notched rear sight and stock lug.

Here you can see the many places where the serial number has been placed to identify all the machined parts of these Lugers.  It is truly inspiring to find proofs and serial numbers wherever you look indicating the craftsmanship these guns possess.



This 1936 Mauser S-42 battlefield pickup is an all matching P08, with a matching magazine.  This is the early war-time production using the old salt blue finish by Mauser and is a great gun for any collection.  This Luger  is offered for $0,000.00. over-the-counter  Any questions to josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com .

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