1921 DWM Commercial Krieghoff
Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1921 DWM (Deutsches Waffen Und Munitionsfabriken Co) Manufactured Pistole-08 that was purchased by H. Krieghoff Waffenfabrik for commercial sale. This is a 1920's model produced under the conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles on post-war Germany. This gun is considered very rare by collectors and unique for the Krieghoff collector. (1095) |
NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon. Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation. |
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The 1920's Model Luger is characterized by the 7.65mm 3 3/4" (98mm) barrel, the rear "V" cut fixed and front dovetailed sight and the short frame with the stock lug. The DWM monogram markings appear on the 1st toggle link and the extractor is marked 'Geladen' (Loaded). |
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These guns were made mostly from military surplus and stocks of parts DWM had after the war. The Treaty of Versailles imposed a barrel length less than 100mm so the Germans made the P08 with a 98 mm barrel. The Treaty imposed a less than 9mm gauge restriction so DWM began to produce the then popular 7.65mm. This is a known gun listed by Randall Gibson in "The Krieghoff" by serial number on Page 142. |
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Serial number placement is in the commercial ("hidden") style; displayed on the bottom of the side plate, the bottom of the locking bolt, the sear bar safety, the rear toggle link, the front of the frame, under the barrel, and on the side of the trigger. This example has all matching numbers. Proof marks are Crown over "N" (C/N), the bottom of the barrel, and the left of the frame correct for commercial Lugers. |
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![]() Known to collectors as the "back frame inscribed" this is the recognized Krieghoff stamp that was applied to these very early Parabellums sold by Krieghoff. What makes this so unusual is that SUHL is stamped upside down. It was known that this was a two-stamp process; Krieghoff and Suhl being separately stamped but this is the only known Luger to escape the factory with Suhl inverted. |
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The DWM suffix "i" or "i block" Lugers is a very under-studied transition series. DWM ended 1918 deliveries in the a-s block. When DWM began post-war production the "i" block dominates with 1920 Stoeger 2-line, the Krieghoff Commercial guns and then into 1921-23. It is known that DWM accepted an order from A. F. Stoeger for 2,500 Lugers on March 7th 1922 and the contract for Abercrombie & Fitch was also filled using the "i" block suffix by DWM. As these post-WWI Lugers turn up in the various contract configurations we are learning that perhaps DWM used the "i bloc" as its commercial designation from military stocks before going to the five digit commercial 1923 models. |
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After WWI, the German economy was characterised by enormous inflation. These pistols were intended for the English speaking market as the United States was the only customer who economically survived WWI. In the US Hans Tauscher the DWM agent had been replaced by several different importers who commercialised the sale of Luger pistols. Among the principal vendors, we can identify Stoeger & Co. (of New York), and Pacific Arms Corporation (of San Francisco). This accounts for the "Germany" (nation of origin) stamped on these weapons on the right hand side. |
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Clean and well cared for this Luger is looking for another good home. A very unique piece with all the known characteristics of the period guns that it represents this is very nice gun for the advanced Krieghoff collector. |
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On the bottom of the barrel is the serial number marked in the military four digits with a suffix. Military Lugers were numbered 1-10000 and then 1a-10000a, 1b-1000b, and so on. DWM numbered commercial guns with the five digit serial number so this was originally a military frame and the "i" block '20s guns become unique that they began with military numbers and later switched to the five digit 70000-80000 range. The magazine is blank bottom which is correct for commercial Lugers. |
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It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like beauty, in the eye of the beholder. |
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![]() This is considered a very rare 1920 DWM/Krieghoff in excellent condition with all the correct and appropriate characteristic of that period Luger. Described in the Gibson Book, The Krieghoff, as a rear frame marked Krieghoff. It is directly mentioned regarding the broken "F" on the die when struck. These "re-works" by Krieghoff were commercial Lugers that Krieghoff bought from the excessive inventory of Parabellums that DWM had left over at the end of WWI. The concept was to sell the popular Parabellum in the European preferred 7.65mm through the Krieghoff sales representatives. Very rare. Any questions to |
This a very difficult Luger to find. Limited production during the 20's and desirability since their rarity has been acknowledged by collectors have made this Krieghoff marked Parabellums a good investment gun. |
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