"G" Date Mauser Police - Archived
Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1935 Pistole 08 military gun manufactured by Mauser. This piece is a 4 inch (98 mm) 9mm Parabellum. To conceal production a series of alphabetical dates were assigned in addition to the code on the toggle S/42 (Mauser). ''G" dates are representative of the Luger produced in 1935. (975) |
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Mauser-Werke and Berliner-Karlsruher Industrie-Werke (BKIW), [BKIW was the successor to DWM (Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken)] had common ownership. In 1930 the machinery, technicians and supplies were moved from Berlin-Wittenau to Oberndorf and BKIW's interest in the Parabellum ceased. |
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This is a standard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the "G" Date Mauser. The first toggle link is marked with the S/42 Mauser code. There is the "V" rear sight on the rear toggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear. The installation of the Sear Safety makes this one of the contract guns for the German Politzei. | |
The Order Police (Ordnungspolizei) Banner |
After the collapse of the German Military at the end of WWI the Bolsheviks saw their opportunity to spread communism into the German state. The occupying Allies disbanded the Sicherheitspolitei (SIPO) because it was "too military". The SIPO had all the heavy weapons removed and forced to change the color of their uniform. Steps were taken in the early days of the 3rd Reich to reverse this process with the creation of the Landespolizei and was begun in Bavaria and quickly spread. Hermann Göering became the first to organize in Berlin naming is the Landespolizeigruppe. |
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Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the side of the locking bolt, on the trigger, on the bottom of the barrel, the side plate, the left side of the receiver, the safety bar, the sear bar, the rear connecting pin, and on the extractor. |
The thumb safety is new style, and strawed. The finish is 98% Blued and 25% straw blued and model has a hold open latch and stock lug.. This Luger has all matching numbers including the magazine. The gun has a numbered hold-open and the stock lug. |
Hermann Göring as
the Interior Minister of Prussia issued a degree on Feb 22, 1933 raising
an Auxiliary Police (Hilfspolizei HIPS) from members of the SA & SS made
up of volunteers from the Prussian SA & SS and Stahlhelm and reached a
strength of 50,000.
Here some SS personnel are checking a demonstrators papers. Right: The magazines early police magazines were made by Haenel-Schmeisser and this one is so early their manufacturing proof is displayed on the magazine. Itself a collectors magazine.
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In early 1930 production was begun by Mauser in Oberndorf with the transfer of the tooling and equipment from BKIW (DWM) factory in Berlin to Mauser-Werke. The first order was for the Dutch in November 1930 and then the American Eagle orders for A.F. Stoeger. From 1930 until 1934 Mauser assembled many thousands of Lugers from DWM parts and stocks, plus reworked other for the paramilitary groups and the police. Mauser proof marks left a trail across many Lugers. |
There were two variations of the "G" date, the early with non-eagle acceptance stamps and serial numbered from approximately 930a to 5000d. Then later in 1935 there began the E/63 acceptance stamps and the second sub-variation and with an established serial number range of 5000d-5000f. |
The inside of the gun is clean with indicating that it has been cared for many years. The bore is good. This gun is a great Luger being in such good shape and bearing all the correct proofs and markings to make it a text book "G" date. Jan Still in The Third Reich Lugers Page 27 indicates only 600 were produced of the "G" series for the German Police. Truly a great gun for the Police Collector. |
![]() Prussian Polizei parade at the Brandenberg Gate |
In the early 1930's the German States of Prussian under Hermann and the Bavarian Police under Himler began to organize and solidify their command of all the police units within their jurisdictions. Die Landespolizei or LP. The battalions were located throughout Germany and training was a problem despite the establishment of seven Inspectorates. Then the center Mitte (Anhald, Brunswick & Oldenburg) Nord (Mecklenburg & Lübeck) and Sudwest (Hess &Thuringia) Inspectorates were established. All under the pretense of separate units but in fact controlled by through the Prussian Headquarters in Berlin. There were independent State Police in Bavaria, Saxony & Hamburg. This pretense was dropped in January 1934 but were left to the States to run on behalf of the Reich. |
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Sear Safety (above): During the 1920's it was determined by German authorities that one could remove the side plate with the gun loaded, thereby exposing the sear, and by then pressing on the sear discharge the gun. Patented in July of 1929 by Ludwig Schiwy of Berlin. [The P-08 is designed with the firing mechanism on the side and not behind or on top as most automatic pistols.] The Sear Safety consist of a spring bar riveted to the top left side of the receiver. (Seen over the sear bar lever). This bar has a vertical pin which is directly over a hole drilled in the sear bar assembly which when the side plate is removed falls into place preventing the sear bar from moving. Therefore you can remove the side plate while loaded (never recommended) and the sear safety should save you from an accidental discharge. |
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The magazine is serial numbered to the gun. There is also the Haenel proofed magazine contract number on the magazine, specific to the "G" Date Mauser. Truly a matching magazine. The Barrel is matched to the gun with the caliber 8.82mm stamped representing the distance of the lands. The "e" serial puts this "G" Date very early in the contract and confirms Jan Still's criteria as all the police guns being in the "e" or low "f" suffix series.
Every Luger has a tale to tell and this one is no exception. It has been to war and with it the proofs of the early Mauser production.
German Polizei marching in a parade in Berlin displaying a "Germany Awake" Banner |
Serial # on the Thumb Safety |
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It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. |
In 1934 Mauser got it's first Military P-08 contract from the German Government. So was born the first military Mauser Luger, the "K" date of which it was estimated 10,900 were made. These were the 1934 production designation "K". Beginning in 1935 Mauser began by marking the guns with the "G". From the "G" series beginning approximately with 930a to 5000f, (in blocks of 10,000) for approximately 54,700 guns, 700 were pulled out for the German Kriegsmarine and so marked. |
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This is a difficult to find (one of 600) Luger police variation in this minty condition. A much sought after piece for the Mauser police collector with a "G" Date a crown jewel in anyone's collection. |
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