1939 Mauser S/42 SS Rig PENDING
Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1939 Chamber dated Mauser Code 42 built for the German Schutzstaffel Waffen SS. The SS had their own procurement system. This Parabellum is 9mm with a 4" (100mm) barrel that is proofed and serial numbered to the gun. Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The thumb safety is marked "Gesichert" and extractor "Geladen." This example has all matching numbers, comes with a complete rig of dated holster, extra matching magazine and proofed loading tool. (1267) |
This is a full rig, an all matching 1939 Mauser 42 Code with a 2nd matching magazine, a dated P08 holster, a second matching magazine, a loading tool, and an Officers Belt buckle of the Schutzstaffel. Here you can see the proofed loading tool, and the holster with the 2nd magazine. The leather is subtle and the pull strap is intact and functional. This is in remarkable condition and if it could only tell us where it was last at the end of the war. |
NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon. Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Before your purchase please read Legal for Conditions of Sale. Thank you for your cooperation. |
It was first formed in 1923 as a unit of the the Nazi paramilitary SA (Sturmabteilung - Stormtroopers) and did not become fully independent till 1934. The original task of the SS was to act as bodyguards for senior Nazis, but in 1925 it became Hitler's personal bodyguard. From 1929 onwards it was headed by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and expanded considerably. After what was known as the Night of Long Knives that took place on June 30- July 1, 1934, in which major components of the SA had been dissolved, the SS basically became a state within a state. There was literally no aspect of German life that the SS did not have it's hand in. One of the key figures in the SS rise to power was Reinhardt Heydrich who was head of the SD (SS security services) and later became head of the RSHA (Reich Security Main Office). |
This is a Mauser frame with the short sear and all the small parts blued. The grips are walnut and the magazine is Type II with an aluminum base and proofed with the Eagle 63. This gun has the stock lug and hold open after the last round is fired. | |
These Lugers by Mauser were marked in the military manner with exposed serial numbers on all the parts. In early 1940 the dates were changed to two digits and the P.08 was added on the frame. After 1940 there were both wood grips and plastic grips due to the shortage of walnut wood grips later in the war. |
This is an all matching Luger with walnut grips that are inspector proofed and serial numbered to the gun. The rear of the receiver has the characteristic Mauser 2mm "hump" and the rear main axel pin is serial numbered to the gun. The magazine is a type II with the aluminum bottom and blued sleeve. |
Mauser-Werke and Berliner-Karlsruher Industrie-Werke (BKIW), [BKIW was the successor to DWM (Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken)] had common ownership. In 1930 the machinery, technicians and supplies were moved from Berlin-Wittenau to Oberndorf and BKIW's interest in the Parabellum ceased. There is a "V" notched rear sight and stock lug. |
Meine Ehre heißt Treue Which translates "My Honor is called Loyalty" was the motto of the SS troops of Germany. The above pebbled buckle was worn by senior officers and party officials. When worn with the Luger the chest strap was move to the side of the "draw". In 1939 the Eagle 63 was a large 63 under the eagle as shown on the Loading tool |
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Adolf Hitler reviewing the SS (Schutzstaffel) along with Josef "Sepp" Dietrich (right with lapel open) who was a German Waffen-SS general, an SS-Oberstgruppenführer, and one of the men closest to Adolf Hitler. For his wartime services, he was one of only 27 men to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. | |
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This is a good clean example of the Mauser 1939. It has shows the Mauser deep blue and displays minor holster wear. There appears to be no pitting or damage to the surface and represents a fine example of that period Luger. This Luger has been cared for over the years and shows well both inside and out. The barrel is strong with distinctive lands and grooves. Below you can see the numbers under the barrel and the last two digits of the serial number on the rear toggle. |
Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the side of the locking bolt, on the trigger, on the bottom of the barrel, the side plate, the left side of the receiver, the safety bar, the sear bar, the rear connecting pin, the grips and on the extractor. |
The grips are both serial numbered to the gun and are also proofed to the gun. The magazines are blue sleeved and the aluminum based with matching serial number. | |
To conceal production a series of alphabetical dates were assigned in addition to the code on the toggle (42) (issued to Mauser in April 1939). ''1939" date are representative of the Luger accepted by the German military in 1939. There also was a transition to the E655 proof in this period, rarely seen but above illustrates the Army Test Proof of the straight wing eagle with the swastika that were begun late in the production year. This Luger has a deep blue, almost commercial color to it. It is in very clean condition and an exceptionally fine piece. |
The Waffen-SS (German for "Armed SS", literally "Weapons SS") was the combat arm of the Schutzstaffel. It was founded in Germany in 1939 after the SS was split into two organizations: Allgemeine-SS and the Waffen-SS. The title of Waffen-SS became official on 2 March, 1940. Headed by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the Waffen-SS saw action throughout the Second World War. It had three sub-organizations: Leibstandarte, Adolf Hitler's bodyguard regiment. Totenkopfverbände, that administered the concentration camps. Verfügungstruppe, up to 39 divisions in World War II that served as elite combat troops alongside the regular army Wehrmacht. |
The small last two digits of the serial number are seen here on the extractor, the 1st toggle, and the rear of the 2nd toggle. The numbers also appear 0n the thumb safety. |
The large E63 begun in 1939 and then transitioned to the E655 proof. The Army Test Proof (The Eagle with the Swastika began in 1939 but not too many appeared. The star stamp on the barrel is a steel hardness proof . | |
Above Along with the Officer's Belt is SS holster with the stamped Totenkopf or (Death Head) with the SS Runes marked on the back. The 1938 dated holster has the manufactures cartouche and the all matching Luger with two matching magazines, plus an original proofed loading tool. The leather is still soft and minty in condition. |
Below we have the proof markings on the back of the holster along with Waffen Amt marking in the late style with straight wings (upside down). The holster is dated 1939 and contains is the manufacturers stamp and SS Runes. The holster is still soft leather, with all the stitching intact and still in the white. All parts of the holster are functional. |
Adolph Hitler inspects the Leibstandarte SS on arrival at Klagenfurt in April 1938. |
This is a very clean gun with an excellent barrel and all matching including the magazine. The inside of the weapon has been cleaned and oiled and exhibits the care of previous owners. |
One of the methods to identify Mauser frames is the 2mm extension which covers the rear main axel pin. Note the last two digits of the serial number on the rear main axel pin. In 1932 the Reichswehrministerium issued an order that the rear connecting pin be serial numbered to the gun which was required by order in 1933. |
The magazine in the gun in addition to the matching serial numbers is proofed with the Eagle 63. The "u" suffix put this toward the end of the Parabellums manufactured in 1943. The 8.81 under the barrel represents the gauge mark when measured when it left the factory. |
The Extractor marked "Geladen" (meaning loaded) can be seen on the breach block with the Nazi Waffenamt stamp, also one can see the serial number's last two digits appear on all the large and small parts. |
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3 Day Return Policy We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it. See Legal. |
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