1920 Navy Carbine with Stock SOLD
This is a excellent example of the 1920 Model DWM (Deutsches Waffen Und Munitionsfabriken Co) sporting carbine. These were a limited manufacture for the "light rifle market". The barrel is 300mm long with a ramp front sight and comes in the 9mm (9mmx19mm Luger). These guns utilized the "short" frame and sear of the later models along with the characteristic diced toggles. (1552) |
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The DWM monogram markings appear on the 1st toggle link and the extractor is marked "GELADEN" which in German means loaded. There is no marking on the exterior thumb safety where one would expect "GESHICHERT" to appear. Original grips were finely cut diamond shaped checkering made from walnut or in some cases beech wood. |
World War I ended with an armistice and was followed later with a peace treaty. This was an abrupt stop to the firearms industry that supported the Kaiser and the German military. The assembly line stopped and thousands of military weapons in various states of completion were now no longer a part of any contract to be fulfilled and DWM was scrambling to recover their investment in the unfinished military weapons. This period lasted until the end of 1919 when the new German republic began to organize and needed weapons. |
Military production ended in 1918 somewhere in the -l and -m suffix block. In 1920 new production began with no suffix and restricted to less than 100mm barrel and less than 9mm caliber. The Germans devised two alternatives to the oppressive terms of the Treaty of Versailles; one was the production and re-work for Police Guns and the other alternative was the production of Parabellums for "export". So was born the "alphabet guns" of the n-u suffix blocks and the creation of the Stoeger's, Abercrombie and Fitch and other commercial distributors in North and South America. |
This Parabellum is 9mm which was the preferred caliber for the military both in Europe and South America. Serial number placement is in the commercial ("hidden") style. The last two digits appear on the takedown lever, the trigger, the bottom of the side plate, the rear toggle, under the front toggle, the breach block, the receiver, and the front stock. The rear toggle is smooth with a one-two hundred meter sight definition utilizing the graduated two position Navy rear sight. |
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The inside of this Luger shows it was well cared for over the last 106 years and is looking for another custodian to care for its future. The DWM carbine was presented to Kaiser Wilhelm and President Teddy Roosevelt who are stated to used the gun in horseback hunting. |
![]() The forearm has a serial number that matches the Luger and provides the mortised attachment to the long barrel giving a true forearm. |
![]() The serial number is on the barrel and the forearm lug. |
The sights at the end of this 300mm barrel have the ramp sight and original tip which are factory issued on most of the carbines, both the 1902 and 1920 models. |
Here is the picture with the stock attached and the serial number of the rear toggle and the stock showing the last two digits of the serial number of the gun. Below is the stock iron with the "20". |
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The fine diamond weave on the checkering and the pattern makes this a handsome gun. The two digit serial number matches the Parabellum. This is a two-screw stock. Above Right: The rear toggle has the 'Navy' rear sight and a Crown N is visible on the 1st toggle link. The rear main axel pin is an oversized pin which is consistent with the 1914 style Navy Luger. |
The magazine is marked Germany as the bottom indicating that this gun was made for export. The extractor is marked "GELADEN" which in German means loaded. The remainder of Navy Marinen Crown M proofs are visible along with the Germany export markings. Below: The lug which affixes the front hand guard to the frame of the Navy Luger |
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The Serial Number appears on the barrel, the stop lug, on the side of the breach block, inside the 1st toggle and on the back of the rear toggle. Then again on the forearm bar on the frame, the bottom of the locking lug, the trigger, the grip safety and on the bottom of the thumb safety. |
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This example has all matching numbers. (Above) Here you can see a very clean magazine bottom and the fine detail of the stock checkering. |
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Above: Here we can see the adjustable sight located on the rear toggle as is the Navy standard. It has a two stop adjustments at 100, 200 meters. From our firing experience in the past these guns were very accurate. |
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The Crown over N or Nitro Proof was the required proof on all commercial guns and indicates it was designed for other than black power shells. The Crown M proofs indicate the original gun was made for the German Navy and are known as Marinen proofs. Made in Germany was required to be stamped on any weapon destined for out-of-country sales. The extractor is marked "GELADEN" which in GERMAN means loaded. |
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The grips are serial numbered to the gun and appear to be the original walnut style of the earlier DWM style. The finely checkered grips and matching stock reflects an old era of craftsmanship that we can only admire today. Most carbines were kept in friendly environments and well cared for preserving them for our enjoyment. |
The greatest client was the United States and then South America. The demand was sufficient in 1902 for the publication of the Spanish language version of the instruction manual. Brazil with the largest population in South America was another good market for DWM and the post war Parabellums. | |
It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. |
The truly endless craftsmanship of 9mm Luger Carbine makes this gun a must have for the serious Luger collector. This is a beautiful example with all matching numbers and in magnificent
shape. Prior to WWI the DWM Luger production
for the commercial market peaked.
This carbine is offered over the counter for $12,750.00 subject to prior in store sale to the collector of very fine investment grade weapons. This Luger is identified as a curio and can be send directly to C&R licensees and above. Questions to: josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com We reserve the right to prior sale over the counter and withdrawal from the web site without notice. This gun may be withdrawn without notice for in-store sale. We reserve the right to prior sale over the counter and withdrawal from the web site without notice. |
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© Copyright 2001-2017 Phoenix Investment Arms Inc.
LAYAWAYS: Sometimes our "significant other" doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons. In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed. Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See "Legal" for exact terms. |
3 Day Return Policy We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it. See Legal. |