1941 Mauser byf Black Widow SOLD
Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1941 Pistole 08 military gun manufactured by Mauser. This piece is a 4 inch (98 mm) 9mm Parabellum. To conceal production a series of alphabetical dates were assigned in addition to the code on the toggle byf (issued to Mauser in February 1941). ''41" dates are representative of the Luger accepted by the German military in 1941. (1568) |
NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon. Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation. Please visit Legal (tabbed) for Conditions of Sale. |
These are known to collectors as the 1934 Model (the general period when the rework of the DWM/BKIW ended and new production began).In 1941, production was on a war time footing at Mauser in Oberndorf. The German military's decision to switch to the less expensive P38 in 1938 had begun to reduce the contracts to Mauser to produce Lugers. In mid-1942, Mauser also tooled up to start producing the P38. However, there was a large requirement to arm all the various police units throughout Germany and the captured territories. War time production also discarded the extra steps of "straw blueing" the trigger, thumb safety, locking lever in favor of the complete blue process. So we begin to see the dark colors of the hot salt blue treatment. |
The extractor is marked "GELADEN". The bore is good with distinctive lands and groove. The thumb safety is new style, and blued. The thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' and safe is down. The black plastic grips are what designates this gun as the Black Widow. |
This is a standard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the "Black Widow" 41/byf Mauser. This Luger has all matching numbers. The exterior show minor honest wear from the holster. This Luger has a hold open latch and stock lug. The barrel is shiny with distinctive lands and grooves. |
Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the side of the locking bolt, on the trigger, on the bottom of the barrel, the side plate, the left side of the receiver, the safety bar, the sear bar, the rear connecting pin, and on the extractor. |
This Luger has a deep blue, almost commercial color to it. It is in very clean condition and an exceptionally fine piece. The serial number is only four digits meaning it was on the early side of the 1941 byf production. The bottom of the magazine is the bakelite type III magazine that while appearing early in 1941 surfaced predominantly in 1941. These magazines were supplied mostly for Mauser Lugers bearing the Code 42 or byf on the toggles and are exceptionally durable magazine. |
There were two subvariations of the "41" date, the early with 655 Eagle acceptance stamps and serial numbered from approximately 3300n to 9950a from which this Luger was produced. So of this variation of the "41" date there were approximately 122,000 produced. Then later in 1941, early 1942 there began the Eagle/135 Waffenamt acceptance stamps and the second sub-variation with an estimated serial number range of 1000-9950a. |
The fxo on the magazine tells us that it was manufactured by C. G. Haenel Waffen-U- Fahrradfrabrik in the city of Suhl. The Eagle 37 is the German military acceptance stamp used at the Haenel Factory commonly called the Waffenamt. Proof. These magazines were salt blued/black with extruded steel, black plastic bottoms and a new zig-zag spring with the P.08 markings. |
The Swastika/Eagle Proof with the full wings appears on the receiver, the barrel and the left side of the front toggle link. This proof began in September 1939 and simply represents the army acceptance. This Parabellum is all matching including the rear connecting pin which was ordered in March 1932 to be marked to the weapon to prevent their being exchanged by mistake. |
The first toggle link is marked with the byf Mauser code. There is the "V" rear sight on the rear toggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear. This is a basic collector gun, everyone has one in their collection. |
Mauser-Werke and Berliner-Karlsruhe Industrie-Werke (BKIW), [BKIW was the successor to DWM (Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken)] had common ownership. In 1930 the machinery, technicians and supplies were moved from Berlin-Wittenau to Oberndorf and BKIW's interest in the Parabellum ceased. There is a "V" notched rear sight and stock lug. Mauser made frames had the 2mm "hump" behind the rear main axel pin to prevent the pin from moving when the gun was in full recoil. |
The inside of the holster is very clean and the stitching is still white indicating the leather was died before assembly. All the straps and pouches are functional and appear in very good condition. |
ABOVE LEFT: "Geladen" on the extractor indicates that the gun is loaded when visible and tactilely telling the shooter that the gun is loaded. ABOVE RIGHT: The loading tool is proofed with the Eagle 655 proof the same as the gun. |
This is a standard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the "Black Widow" 41/byf Mauser. This Luger has all matching numbers. The exterior show minor honest wear from the holster. This Luger has a hold open latch and stock lug. The barrel is shiny with distinctive lands and grooves. |
Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The thumb safety is marked "Gesichert" and extractor "Geladen." This example has all matching numbers. This Parabellum is 9mm with a 4" (100mm) barrel that is proofed and serial numbered to the gun. | |
On the 1940 models the Type III
magazine was introduced with a "Z" spring instead of a coil
spring and a metal cap and the base was affixed with a pin
through the bottom. This proved to both reduce
construction costs and provided a more even pressure on
the follower to keep the rounds feeding smoothly. |
There were two subvariations of the "41" date, the early with 655 Eagle acceptance stamps and serial numbered from approximately 3300n to 9950a from which this Luger was produced. So of this variation of the "41" date there were approximately 122,000 produced. Then later in 1941, early 1942 there began the Eagle/135 Waffenamt acceptance stamps and the second sub-variation with an estimated serial number range of 1000-9950a. |
The inside of the gun is clean with no evidence of pitting or rust. It has been cared for many years. This is an exceptional Luger being in such fine shape and bearing all the correct proofs and markings to make it a text book "41 byf" Black Widow. See Kenyon Lugers at Random Page 288. This Luger is identified as a curio and can be send directly to C&R licensees and above. |
The Swastika/Eagle Proof with the full wings appears on the receiver, the barrel and the left side of the front toggle link. This proof began in September 1939 and simply represents the army acceptance. There is a star on the barrel which is a hardness test. This Parabellum is all matching including the rear connecting pin which was ordered in March 1932 to be marked to the weapon to prevent their being exchanged by mistake. |
It is entirely subjective to
give any firearm a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it
xx% blued or strawed. Few collectible weapons are out of the box new and these are
premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the
beholder. We strive to provide pictures
so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. Any questions or request for additional purchases email to josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com This firearm is eligible for transfer to C&R permit holder, even in California. We are registered with CA DOJ for firearms shipment. |
LAYAWAYS: Sometimes our "significant other" doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons. In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed. Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See "Legal" for exact terms. |
3 Day Return Policy We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it. See Legal. |