Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1900 Model, 7.65mm (.30 Cal Luger) with the "old model" transitional frame with a Type III thumb safety and is not marked but is polished and the extractor is the leaf type. The Luger is an all matching serial number and a grip squeeze safety. There is an "Chilean Crest" over the Chamber and the DWM (Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionsfabriken AG) on the first toggle link. This is one of the few trial guns brought to South American countries by DWM in the 1900's to solicit sales. This is a very limited issued Luger 1/20. (1844) |
One of the things "known" about Lugers is that international law required guns made for commercial sales must show the country of origin. Usually this was done on the early Lugers by placing "Germany" on the front of the frame under the serial number. This gun does exhibit this 'commercial' designation. It also does not have the "German" import mark required by customs for any weapon entering a "foreign" country. This is one of the classic Lugers delivered by DWM to a high official of the government of Chili. |
Chili's interest in the Parabellum appears early in the 1900 models generated by the Chilean Chief of Staff, General Emilo Körner, an ex-Prussian Army Captain appointed in 1885 to train and professionalize the Chilean Army. It is believed that General Körner and George Luger tested or at least saw the testing in September 1900 in Berlin, and it is believed he was given at least six Parabellum to test in October 1900. |
The frame is the old "long" model with the Chilean seal over the chamber. The thumb safety is not marked but it is polished and extractor the old leaf model. The thumb safety is the 3rd design in the evolution of the Parabellum, rounded with grooves and represents final adopted edition. This Luger has all matching numbers. The barrel is numbered and proofed and matches the frame. |
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The frame is the old model with the Chilean seal over the chamber. The thumb safety is the Type III The safety is the squeeze grip with the thumb safety "safe" in the up position. The Serial Number is 5 digits with no "Germany" marked export stamp. These models did not have a stock lug but do have a hold open. |
This Parabellum is all matching; the magazine is correct and does not exhibit any serial number. Not too often do you find a 1900 with such minimal wear, let along the distinctive fire-blued toggle connecting pins. |
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Above Left: The Chilean Coat of Arms is stamped over the chamber. The Chilean interest in the Parabellum was in doubt fuel by the Prussian origin of the General of the Army and the testing world wide of the Luger but also by the salesmen of DWM who saw this was a lucrative contract to be had. Above Right is the under the barrel serial number, under the locking lever and side plate are the last two digits of the serial number. | |
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This is an extra-clean model of the Chilean, most like at one time a presentation gun with a case given to a high official of the government or military and avoiding the holstered wear of a conventional military weapon. |
Chili is believed to have initiated the idea of the Pistol-Carbine which resulted in testing of the stocked weapons with the six-position ramped rear sight and single push-button stock with a modified longer barrel. Chili was attempting to improve the ballistics of the 7.65mm round to accommodate a 600 meter range which their specifications to the rear sight called for. These tests were conducted almost simultaneously with the Dutch trials and proved significant in Luger development. |
This model is a hold open variation, however there is no Stock Lug present on this early Luger.. The first toggle link is marked with the DWM monogram. The safety is the squeeze grip with the thumb safety "safe" in the up position. Note the rebated trigger guard and three digits on the squeeze grip safety (internal). The Serial Number is 5 digits with no small letter suffix characteristic of the commercial models which were numbered consecutively until 1923. |
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The rear toggle in the fully extended recoil position shows (as the receiver) the Crown B.U. Proofs. There were said to be two lines of production at DWM, one producing the clean no-proof contract guns and the other producing the government required proofing. Collectors prize the guns that are BUG proofed. The Crown B (Beschuss) means the barrels were tested using a heavier load in accordance with the 1892 proof law. The Crown U (Untersuchung) means it was inspected after assembly and the Crown G (Gozogen) means a rifled barrel. |
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The rear dished toggle with the toggle lock and the right of the breach block where one can see the Crown U of the Untersuchung proof. | |
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The serial number is always five digits on the commercial gun and four digits with a suffix on the military models. Above Right: The rear toggle is marked with the last three digits of the serial number and again represents an early marching technique abandoned for cost and speed. Note below the inside of the 1st toggle link of the "586" of the last three numbers of the serial number keeping the exterior of that part 'clean' except for the DWM logo. | |
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The serial number under the barrel and on the front of the frame represents the traditional five digit commercial version of numbering. On the bottom of the magazine on commercial guns there was no number an only occasionally the DWM proof. | |
The early 1900's had the three last digits of the serial number placed on the stop lug, rear toggle and grip safety. Above you can see the underside of the toggle link that is serial numbered in a concealed location. Just a super clean presentation. | |
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You can see the close up of the Chilean Coat of Arms which DWM applied to the 1900 and 1906 models as a sales tool for the countries they tried to market the Parabellum. The Swiss were so impressed by the early Swiss Cross that DWM had the symbol initially engraved and then roll stamped into the chamber and so began a long series of contract guns stamped with nationality symbols. |
At some point, with known examples in the 10003-10014 range with the six hundred meter rear sights have all surfaced in Europe while those with Chilean provenance have the simple rear fixed sight. The Chilean trials did produce the first of the stock lugs and the concept of the pistol-carbine was borne. See Görtz & Sturgess "The Borchardt & Luger" Page II-235-236. |
The extractor is of the original configuration of a leaf spring to extract the round when fired. The Swiss recognized the weakness of this part of the Luger and installed a metal extractor with a spring which DWM then redesigned the extractor in 1906. The top of the 1900 shows the flat surface of the toggle links that are smooth. The first toggle bears the DWM logo and is cut on edges making this a tell-tale manufacturing difference between the Luger builders. |
A clean commercial magazine bottom, absolutely correct for the 7.65mm 1900 Chilean. The wide grip rear safety appeared in the production pistols at the end of the 10xxx serial number range. These commercial Luger's were up to five digit serial numbered and the small parts were marked in a concealed location, commonly at the bottom of the locking lever and side plate. |
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The receiver is Crown B.U. Proofed. Good crisp proofs on the frame left of the receiver and toggle. Collectors prize the guns that are BUG proofed. The Crown B (Beschuss) means the barrels were tested using a heavier load in accordance with the 1892 proof law. The Crown U (Untersuchung) means it was inspected after assembly and the Crown G (Gozogen) means a rifled barrel. This example is passed the period when the Crown G was required as all guns being produced by 1901 were with rifled barrels. |
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The grips are marked with the maker's mark and are the original squeeze grip style that held in place the squeeze grip safety. Note the side bevels in the 1st toggle link which is characteristic of the DWM produced guns. While every Luger was interchangeable each manufacturer has some small distinctions in their process that set them apart. Also seen on Above Right are the Crown B, U proof marks on the 1st toggle link. |
While there appears to be duplication in the serial number range between those attributed to the Chilean and Dutch trials and there is evidence of the adoption and then dismissal of the Chilean request for a 600m rear sight (solved by the rare ramp sight versions) it appears that interest waned on the part of DWM and Chili when the cost of production and the frailty of the request sight parts were fully taken into account. While all the testing and trials didn't lead to a Chilean contract it paved the way for the Navy development of the simplified ramp rear sight and created some interesting examples supplied to the Chileans that survived today for the collector. |
Very clean and minty both inside and out. Most of these early guns were purchase and saved by the early owners and not used as "working" guns. Usually these guns were ""presented" to Army chiefs and other influential people attempting to win a sales contract for DWM. |
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The toggle locking system was added to the milling of the frame and on the original finished models you can see the two distinctive lines where this part was silver solder onto the gram to grasp the ridge on the inside of the toggle lock. Old catalogs list these guns originally from $18-$35 depending on the year they were offered. All that craftsmanship could be yours for $30.00; unbelievable. |
At the rear toggle is the three digit serial number; early 1900 DWM had three digits on the rear toggle, grip safety and the stop lug; this is an early B.U.G. proofed low serial number #21xxx commercial Parabellum that was sent to Chili to elicit firearms sales for DWM. |
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It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. |
As the Luger became more recognized, DWM began an active export campaign both in North and South America. While there was greater acceptance of the Luger in South America the popularity of the Luger in the US was increased by the placement of the US Seal with the American Eagle over the chamber. In North American Hans Tauscher took over as agent for DWM to promote the Parabellum and in South America Juan Canedo of Buenos Aires, Argentina. These contract guns attributed to J. Canedo begin in the 25xxx series, soon after the presentation Chilean Parabellum. |
Holding an early Luger, a timeless representation of a personal level of quality and pride of craftsmanship, brings you back a hundred years to another century of weapons development. This Luger represents a piece of history and a turning point in our nations weapons procurement. |
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This is a beautify example of the 1900 "Chilean" DWM Parabellum. A 7.65mm pencil thin barrel this is the classic Luger with dished toggles and a the squeeze grip safety. Any questions to This very rare Parabellum is offered for $14,950.00 to the advanced collector. (This Luger, as all the others, have already been discounted for a cash sale). Call for availability, subject to over-the-counter sales. being posted as such on the internet. |
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