Genuine German
Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1930 Manufactured Mauser 9mm Three Line Stoeger manufactured from the DWM parts shipped from Berlin to Oberndorf designed to fill an order from A. F. Stoeger in New York for sale on the American Market. Therefore the American Eagle Crest on the Chamber. This is considered by many to be the Classic created by Mauser with the best blue system they ever produced. This Parabellum comes complete with a civilian holster, loading tool, punch and cleaning rod. (2199) |
The firm AF Stoeger became the sole importer of the DWM Luger Pistols in the US on March 13, 1922. Stoeger ordered its first Luger pistols through Hugo Panzer & Co who was the successor for Hans Tauscher who fled to Germany in WWI when he was accused of being a spy. It is not known if Stoeger attempted to buy the rights to import the Luger from Panzer but on July 25, 1921 Stoeger send a Confidential Price list to the whose jobbing trade. These 1921 Lugers were not American Eagles and were 7.65 mm with 98mm barrels of those restricted by the Treaty of Versailles. |
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This Parabellum is 9mm and has the 100mm style barrel of the classic Luger. Serial number placement is in the civilian ("hidden") style on the side plate and hidden on the take down lever. The thumb safety is marked "SAFE" and extractor "LOADED." This is the reason most of these model Stoeger's are referred to as the Safe & Loaded Lugers. This example has all matching numbers. In the history of the Stoeger orders it appears that this is one of the "alphabet guns" from 1922-1926 that was re-worked by Mauser and a 9mm barrel added. |
Proof marks are the Berlin Crown over "N" (C/N), on the frame (left side) and toggle system with the Crown U indicating that the Oberndorf (Mauser) proof is on bottom of the barrel, so this Luger was either re-worked by Mauser with a new crisp band DWM barrel or the barrel was installed by Stoeger who purchased & advertised various 8mm barrels in their advertising. The first toggle link is marked with the DWM monogram, and there is the "V" rear sight on the last toggle link. |
In 1922 Stoeger ordered 2500 Parabellums with the 7.65mm barrels and the American Eagle “same as shipments before the war”. There was a second order in 1924 from Stoeger with requesting the two-line “A.F. Stoeger Inc and on the second line New York. The Germany was added for export reasons. During this period the “post-war alphabet guns” began to appear in the orders and with some of the unfilled 1922 order the American Eagle was roll pressed on the guns. These has the Berlin Crown N and a mixture of ‘Gesichert’ and ‘Geladen’ or ‘Safe’ and ‘Loaded’. |
This very rare early example of the Stoeger 3 Line Safe & Loaded and comes with a civilian holster rig with punch and screw driver plus a commercial six inch cleaning rod; the frame is marked Germany as are the two DWM sleeved wood bottom magazines. |
The punch, cleaning rod with the brass tip, and the reduced size loading too/screw driver are unique to the 1920's rigs sold by Stoeger. The coveted civilian holster is denoted by the round buckle vs. the square buckle found on later rigs. This buckle was originally covered in thin leather that was hand sewn with tiny stitches. Very seldom do you find the leather covered buckles as time and wear have removed the leather. |
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During the 1920’s DWM was not permitted to manufacture guns with a barrel of 100mm so these ‘20’s guns were all 98mm and since 9mm caliber was restricted they were 7.65mm or .30 caliber Luger. In 1929 Stoeger trademarked the name “Luger” without objection by the successor of DWM BKIW/DWM. The 1930 order to Mauser included the line “Genuine Luger Registered U. S. Patent Office” This third line of the Stoeger’s was not applied to the first ten guns delivered by Mauser and Stoeger complained to them about it. By that time Mauser was in the “v” series suffix. |
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Below: Here you can see the extractor and the thumb safety marked with the English Safe & Loaded. The Crown N, in addition to the lack of the Mauser 2mm "hump" on the frame shows us that except for the barrel this was an early '20's DWM produced Parabellum. |
A.F. Stoeger registered "Luger" in the US in 1929. These were sold in the early 1930's in both 9mm and 7.65mm but the cost of the Luger was high compared to other guns of that period. Jones reports in Luger Variations that nearly all had the military style of serial numbering. By 1934 the DWM toggles were said to be used up; therefore this weapons was probably set aside, awaiting the completion of the order from Stoeger. |
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Here we can see the front of the muzzle and the serial number with the suffix "n" from the "alphabet" series of undelivered Lugers DWM converted to post war commercial guns for sale anywhere. Rekindling their old market they added the American Eagle and over stamped the export "Germany" to comply with international customs regulations to fill a Stoeger order. |
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Hallock & van de Kant report in The Mauser Parabellum that it is certain that the third line was not applied by DWM before the end of 1929 and that this may have been done by either Stoeger or Mauser on the request of Stoeger. See Page 454 in above reference for 1922-1926 Stoegers. The fact that Stoeger ordered and advertised different 9mm barrels lengths; the Crown U appears on a DWM Barrel that has the distinctly cut barrel band of DWM leaving open the possibility that the barrel was changed and the third line added by Stoeger to one of the first American Eagle two line alphabet guns. No one will ever know. In any case as a complete rig this is a rare find out of an old collection. |
The inside of this Luger is as clean as the outside. Although the gun shows some slight wear someone has cared well for this fine Luger. When you research by serial number of the "n" series you find yourself in 1920's; The original Stoegers came from he "alphabet guns", the left over undelivered military guns from WWI. The magazine is characteristically unnumbered but it shows a the Germany export marking of the '20's. | |
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This Luger was characteristically marked in the "hidden" civilian manner with the number unexposed from the top and side. Clearly under the barrel is the Crown U stamp of Mauser indicating that this Parabellum was refitted with 9mm barrel and proofed at Oberndorf by Mauser. The grips are blank except for the Germany stamp of this the left grip is upside down. |
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The 9mm barrel bears the Crown "U" (Oberndorf) Mauser proof and a larger font size than on the frame indicating that Mauser either proofed a DWM barrel prior to sale to Stoeger or installed the barrel, This may make it a "very" early unique example of the 3-Line Stoeger order. It has also been generally accepted that these guns were produced in 7.65mm and 9mm and in mostly 4", 6" and 8" barrels and this is the first full rig we have seen in this minty condition in 30 years. |
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It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. Ask us for additional pictures if it will assist your buying decision. |
Careful study of the right side of the Stoeger inscription finds the Germany export stamp found on export models. The fact that the Genuine appears in same type reflects the response to an early request from Stoeger to include this in their logo after it was registered and the line was roll stamped into the side rail. This dates the gun after 1929 when Stoeger received its patent in the United States. The 9mm Crown U barrel suggests this was one of the re-works by Mauser who didn't observe the limitations of the Treaty of Versailles. |
In 1930 through a series of mergers DWM machinery, parts and personnel moved from Berlin to Oberndorf and immediately began producing Lugers from existing stocks. The first contract filled was for the Dutch Air Force and this was completed in 1928. While during this period that majority of work at Mauser Werke was re-works they did produce the contract for three line A. F. Stoeger of New York. This has been recognized by most authorities as falling in the 403v-463v. The notes of August Weiss indicated that the serial numbers 515v-524v were delivered in 1930. This was later revised to include 400v-600v in the original Stoeger order and dated the production to the 33-34 era. Most are described made with the safe and loaded indications. |
This is a fantastic example of one of the most coveted American Eagle Mausers. Not only the one of the very early "alphabet" guns converted to 9mm by Mauser Luger in 9mm, you get the holster, six inch cleaning rod, a loading tool, and export marked stock all with a beautiful Three Line all-matching legendary Stoeger. If you have any questions or want additional pictures please email at This gun is subject to prior sale over-the-counter so please check for availability prior to ordering. This fantastic three-line Stoeger Rig is offered for $12,500.00 already discounted for a cash sale. |
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