Luger 1920 Dated DWM Czech Contract
Genuine German
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This is a 1920 dated model DWM (Deutsches Waffen Und Munitionsfabriken Co) Manufactured parabellum. The chamber marking represent the military contract year of production and this example is a 1920 dated Luger. This is a 9mm Luger made for the Czechoslovakian Republic by DWM under the auspices of the Treaty of Versailles. [674] |
The barrel length is 4" (98mm) and is chambered for 9mm. The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the left side of the receiver, under the barrel and the last two digits on most small parts. All serials matching. |
Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation. |
This weapon has the stock lug and clean walnut grips. The extractor is marked "Geladen" on the left side and the safety is marked "Gesichert" with the safe position being downward. The gun is very clean showing slight wear on the muzzle, the side plate and front part of rails. The grips are checkered walnut and are correct for the gun. |
The 1920 Weimar period Luger is characterized by the 9mm 4" (98mm) barrel, the rear "V" cut fixed and front dovetailed sight and the frame with the stock lug. Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style; displayed on the left side of the receiver, the side plate, the locking bolt, the sear bar safety, the extractor, the forward toggle link, the front of the frame, under the barrel, and on the side of the trigger. | |
(Above) We have a matching magazine but also appearing is a Simson 1923-25 Proof . This was a military proof as was the four digit (with suffix) serial number of the gun. Also on the barrel is the "Z" proof which is an early Czech proof. |
Constanzo in World of Lugers Proof Marks (Page 93) tells us that the 1920-21 dates were retained for later year production to conceal the number of weapons produced during the enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles by the Control Commission |
Czechoslovakian National coat of arms: The large coat of arms contains the emblems of the historical lands of the Czech Crown - a traditional heraldic rampant lion (Bohemia), a checkered eagle (Moravia) and the Silesian eagle. The Rampant Lion appears on most of the CZ guns throughout the 1930's and 40's and still appears today. |
The proofs always tell the story and in this case we can see (below) three proofs that are all 1920 DWM proofs. The three proofs are the "Dove of Peace" with the AYA4. This proof was replaced in 1926 with the establishment of the Waffen Amt office and a WaA4 proof. A great historical gun.
After the end of WWI and the weapons limitations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles DWM began limited production. The nominal "Commercial" serial number range began around #75,000 and contained many 1920 and 1921 Lugers in both 7.65mm and 9mm. The dated Lugers in 9mm are mostly found in the no-suffix or "a" and 'b" suffix and bear the Eagle AYA4 or Eagle WaA4. The 1926 Proofs (Eagle Waffen Amt office 4) indicate Lugers that were produced in the late 1920's but dated 1921 to fool the Versailles Control Commission. |
THE STORY OF THE PROOFS - Most Lugers tell you where they have been and when. This Luger appears to have been manufactured in late 1920. It has the military proofs and no police markings so although it could have been issued to either the military or the police most likely it was the military which got this Luger. To further depict it's travels it has the "Z" proof on the barrel and the rampant lion. |
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(Above) A Czech 1940's belt buckle displays the rampant lion of the coat of arms. (Left) On top we see the 1906-1930 Nitro Proof adjacent to the Rampant Lion. At the bottom is another anomaly; what appears to be the DWM Navy Proof which means this barrel may have been heavy load tested for the Imperial Navy before being used on this gun. |
So we have an early Simson matching magazine on a 1920 dated early Weimar 9mm DWM gun that has military markings AND it has Czech markings indicating that it was probably manufactured and sold to Czechoslovakia sometime in the early 20's. |
Here you can see the inside of the gun is clean; the magazine is the correct blued style for the 1920's See Kenyon's Lugers at Random, Page 178 |
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This is a good variation in excellent condition with all the basic period proofs. This Luger is offered for $3,495.00 over the counter. Questions to: |
LAYAWAYS: Sometimes our "significant other" doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons. In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed. Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See "Legal" for exact terms. |
3 Day Return Policy We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it. See Legal. |