1906/29 Swiss Military Luger  SOLD

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Swiss Luger 1900/29 all matching Red Grips

This is a Swiss Model 1906/29 manufactured by the Swiss at their factory in Bern Switzerland. Numbering on the 06/29 began at 50000 and this puts this Luger into early 1937.  This was a 7.65mm caliber with a 120mm (4 3/4") barrel. This was the last model produced by the Swiss up to 1947.  The red grips are distinctive of the early production models know as the 1st variation of the 06/29 Swiss.  (981)


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1937 Swiss Made Military Luger

This model saw the elimination of the knurling on the toggles and thumb safety.  No longer was the magazine release and locking lever checkered but now smooth.  The magazine is a Swiss made bakalite and the serial number on the barrel is found above the thread ring.  The frame and receiver are blued internally and finishing is usually better on these guns than on the 24/29.

Swiss Luger 1929 Red Grips

A chromium plated instead as chrome plated magazine, and the front strap of the grip frame was straightened. If there is anything that changed the look of the Luger it was the later.  The grip safety was extended to cover  the entire rear strap for both the right hand and left hand shoot complete coverage.  The grips were made of canevasit until 1939 when the brown grips of bakalite were used.

The trigger was widened to 10mm making is larger than the 06/24 but smaller than the "wide trigger" of the 1900 model. The rear sight is now "U" shaped at manufacture.

1906/29 Swiss Made Luger

Before Lugers were released by the Swiss they were refurbished by the factory and marked "P" for Privatization.  The inside is very clean.  Below are details visible on the toggle. 

1929 Swiss Luger

The rear grip displays the full grip safety.

The Waffenfabrik Bern Logo and the "U" shaped rear sight.

The "P" indicating Privatized or guns released for civilian use.

The rear toggle, in detail.

Few guns are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. It is entirely subjective to give any weapon a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed.   We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. This Luger is identified as a curio and can be send directly to C&R licensees and above.  If you have any questions about this or any of our Lugers email josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com .


This is a great chance to obtain an early 1st Variation of the 1906/29 Swiss Luger manufactured in 1937 with a 120mm barrel and several adoptions by the Swiss that made the gun more efficient.   Any questions to Josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com   This Luger is a great shooter and beautiful gun and is offered for $2,475.00

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LAYAWAYS:  Sometimes our "significant other" doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons.  In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed.  Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See "Legal" for exact terms.


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We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it.  See Legal.


WARNING: We do not represent these guns as safe to fire. They are not test fired before sale; they are sold as collectibles only. Prior to firing you should have it inspected by a qualified individual and abide by all safety requirements.

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