Trommel Magazine Loader

Genuine German Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 32 round Type II (Second Issue) Trommel magazine in excellent condition.  The Artillery Luger was issued with a stock and designed as a carbine for the crews of artillery and machine guns that were front line pieces in WWI.  There is a lot of discussion about whether these were issued in leather or canvas carrying cases or if there was a case at all.   I have seen pictures of boxes containing the trammel magazine but until more proof is offered this will be antidotal. (AC155


NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon.  Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.


These loaders were necessary due to the strength of the spring in the 32 round magazine.  They were also used to load the Re This is offered for $1,550.00 plus shipping and insurance. While these will fit on any Luger significantly increasing it's deadliness they were only issued for the Artillery (150mm) barreled sidearm.   No license required to purchase. 

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Close up shows the serial number and the proof mark.



The Bergmann MP18 was designed by Hugo Schmeisser in 1915 at the Bergmann Waffenfabrik factory. It was designed to fulfill the requirements established by the German Rifle Testing Commission. When the weapon was completed it was designated the Maschinenpistole 18/I or MP18/I. The weapons finished and the parts all fitted by hand at near commercial grade quality. The MP18/I went into production in early 1918 using the 32rd snail drum magazine used in the P08 Luger. Issued in the final stages of World War I at least 5,000 MP18/I were built and issued before the war ended. The weapon was outlawed for German Military use by the Treaty of Versailles but small quantity was issued the Weimar Republic for police use.

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LAYAWAYS:  Sometimes our "significant other" doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons.  In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed.  Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See "Legal" for exact terms.


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WARNING: We do not represent these guns as safe to fire. They are not test fired before sale; they are sold as collectibles only. Prior to firing you should have it inspected by a qualified individual and abide by all safety requirements.

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