We will be attending some of the following gun shows and we look forward to seeing you if you are in the vicinity: |
November 10th-11th, 2018 Tulsa Gun Show, Tulsa OK THE BIGGEST |
December 2-3rd Crossroads Phoenix Gun Show, Phoenix AZ We will be in the SAR building! |
Feb 9-10 Allentown PA; Forks of the Delaware Collectors Show |
Feb 21th & 24th, 2019 SOS [Ohio Valley Gun Collectors Association] Louisville KY THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS |
April 6-7th, 2019 Tulsa Gun Show, Tulsa OK |
May 11-12 Allentown PA; Forks of the Delaware Collectors Show |
November 9-10, 2019 Tulsa Gun Show, Tulsa OK |
July 13-14 Allentown PA; Forks of the Delaware Collectors Show |
October 19-20 Allentown PA; Forks of the Delaware Collectors Show |
Check back for updated information on NEW shows, cancellations or representation. |
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