Find Your Luger a Good Home

Find Your Luger A Good Home
If you have a Luger or a collection of Lugers and you want to reach a lot of people who are specifically interested in (a) Lugers, (b) Investment Grade Weapons, then contact us and let's talk about your requirements. We will either visit you (if you have a large collection) or you can send us the weapons to review. Anywhere in the US.
We will examine and identify the weapons and give you an honest and forthright assessment of the demand and price of each gun. We have a large mailing list in addition to the number of people who frequent our web sites. Some collectors have provided us with lists of Lugers they are looking for and we seek to link people with their requirements.
We will photograph your gun and immediately place it on the site for everyone to see along with some relevant history behind that particular model. If it has any special or unique features that make it more collectable these items will be pointed out.
We will advise you of its value and then you can make up your mind as to the asking price. Some rare weapons might take up to a year to sell to the right person who wants that model and has the funds to invest. Some other models have been sold within a day of exposure when the price is right for the collector. We are working for you to market your gun so you control the price.
Depending on the circumstances we will simply purchase your collection. The good with the bad. When the time comes to sell we will give you the best price and quickly.
Gun Shows - In addition to advertising on the web site (you found us), and the mailing list of our buyers and collectors, we attend the major gun shows across the country and will expose your guns at these shows. Most of time we are meeting our clients at these shows and bringing the guns they want to buy. The Max Show, Great Western, Vegas, Charlotte, Richmond, Louisville, Tulsa and a lot more in between.
We are a federally licensed firearms dealer who complies with the rules, regulations and intent of the local and national firearms laws.
Send us a list of your guns, pictures are better and any special features you might believe makes them attractive. Rigs, leather, magazines, loaders, boards, the whole works.
Just send us a note and tell us what you have in mind, leave a phone number so we can call you back.
Click here
It will bring you an immediate response.
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